Tutoring Services at LMC

LMC offers free virtual and in-person tutoring and study skills education to students. Tutors are friendly LMC students who have earned high grades and have been recommended by professors. Check for hours & location.

LMC Tutors

Center for Academic Support

Our tutors provide Reading & Writing assistance and peer support in a variety of subjects (925) 473-7590


Visit the Center for Academic Support 

LMC Tutors

English Lab

English Our faculty reading and writing consultants will help you with reading and all stages of the writing process.

Visit the English Lab

ESL lab


(English as a Second Language)

Our tutors provide peer guidance and support to help you understand, learn from, and complete your English as a Second Language coursework. (925-473-7602

Visit the ESL web page

LMC Tutors

Pittsburg Math Lab

Our tutors help get your math work done in-person and online. Email MathLab@losmedanos.edu for drop-in hours or to make a focused appointment. (925-473-7662)

Visit the Math Lab

LMC Tutors

Brentwood Math Lab

Provides tutoring in Math. Contact the Math lab for availability of tutors  this semester. 

Visit the math lab

MESA center

MESA Center

Our tutors help get your Physical Science, Physics, Chem, Engineering, Astronomy, Engineering, Computer Science, and Math work done in-person and online. Feel free drop-in in person or on zoom, no appointment needed. 925-473-7683

Visit the MESA Center

LMC Tutors

Music Tutoring

Our tutors help get your music work done in-person and online. Please call or text the Music Laboratory Coordinator for drop-in hours or to make a focused appointment. (925-642-5767)

Contact the Music Department

LMC Tutors

Umoja Village

Our tutors can help you get your work done in English and Math. (925-473-7602)

Visit the Umoja Village