What Is CalWORKs?
The Los Medanos College California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Program’s main focus is to serve current TANF (cash-aid) recipients who are parents attending LMC as part of their Welfare-to-Work Activity (WTW) Plan. The program provides students with educational and career opportunities combined with an array of support services which help students to complete their educational goal, find meaningful employment, and successfully transition into the workforce.
- Priority registration
- Text books and supplies
- Starter kit
- Educational & Career counseling
- Employment skills attainment
- Academic progress monitoring
- On Campus employment -Work-Study
- Childcare Services
- Advocacy
Educational workshops
Eligibility Requirements
- Receive cash aid in the form of CalWORKs for themselves and at least one child (county verification must be provided each semester)
- Be in an approved County WTW plan
- Fulfill work participation requirement
- Complete a LMC CalWORKs orientation every semester