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Campus Police Information   Campus Maps   Hours of Operation

NOTE:  We have direct dial numbers. If dialing from a campus phone, only the last 5 digits of the phone number are needed (e.g., 37500)

Search Directory

Name / Email Department/Area Phone Room
President's Office (925)473-7302 SS4 402
Counseling (925) 473-7484 SS4 422
Business (925) 473-7777 SC 214
Outreach (925) 473-7433 SS3 320
Outreach (925) 473-7430 SS3 319
Physical Science (925) 392-9071 Brtwd 216
Office of Instruction  (925) 473-7405 SS4 442
Speech  (On Sabbaticle 2024-2025) (925) 473-7833 MA 128
Office of Equity & Inclusion (925) 473-7314 CO4 411
Admissions  (925) 473-7495 SS3 301


Biology (925) 473-7044 SC1 118
Workforce Development (925) 473-7415 CC3 371
Financial Aid (925) 473-7519 SS3 309
Business (925) 473-7778 SC 217
Dean of Student Success (925) 473-7423 SS4 408
Dean of Counseling and Student Support (925) 473-7425 SS4 415
DSPS (925) 473-7475 SS3 321
Astronomy (925) 473-7520 SC2 215
Biology Lab (Brentwood) (925) 392-9065 BRT-220
Buildings & Grounds (925) 473-7376 CC1 138
Emergency Medical Services (925) 473-6693 CC3 354
Library (925) 473-7576 L2 207
Biology  (925) 473-7691 Brtwd 109
Counseling/Puente (925) 473-7462 SS4 435
Buildings & Grounds (925) 473-7380 CC1 132
Physical Science/Engineering (925) 473-7780 SC2 219
English (925) 473-7859 CC2 294
Financial Aid (925) 473-7349 SS3 309


English (925) 473-7858 CC2 285
Custodial (925) 473-7393 B&G Bldg.
Physical Science (925) 473-7706 SC2 231
Financial Aid (925) 473-7513 SS3 309
Information Tech & Services (925) 473-7585 L200 A5
Director of Marketing & Media Design (925) 473-7322 CO4 419
Custodial (925) 473-7393 B&G Bldg.
Marketing (925) 473-7323 CO 419
Information Tech & Services (925) 473-7586 L2 211
EMS (925) 473-7752 CC3 354
Music (925) 473-7808 MU3 704
Math (925) 473-7654 MA 121
Math (925) 473-7653 Brtwd 119
Spanish (925) 473-7888 CC2 235
Counseling (925) 473-7458 SS4 428
EOPS/CARE/NextUp (925) 473-7491 SS4 417
Math Lab (925) 473-7662 MA 103
Physical Science (925) 473-7703 Brtwd 115
PTEC (925) 473-7732 CC2 258
Police Services (925) 473-7331 Police Services Bldg


Athletics/Baseball (925) 473-7608 PE 1005
Math (925) 473-7679 MA 127
Psychology (925) 473-7849 MA 137
Automotive (925) 473-7739 CC3 505c
Kinesiology (925) 473-7317 KAC  125
Office of Equity and Inclusion (925) 473-7556 CO4 
Counseling (925) 473-7529 SS4 433A
Student Success Center (925) 473 6403 CO2 200
Office of Instruction (925) 473-7712 L2 216
Kinesiology/Athletics (Basketball-Men's) (925) 473-7607 KAC 121
STEM/MESA (925) 473-7660 SC2 213


Nursing (925) 473-7759 CC3 345
Custodial (925) 473-7393 B&G Bldg. 
ETEC/PTEC (925) 473-7728 EL 1
Library Brentwood (925) 473-7572 L1  121
Mathematics (925) 473-6905 MA1 119
DSPS (925) 392-9090 Brtwd 140
Bookstore (925) 473-7540 SU 134


Child Development/Child Study (925) 473-7628 CSC 101
Automotive (925) 473-7741 CC3 508
Biology Lab (925) 473-7694 SC1 147
Library (925) 473-7568 L 117B
American Sign Language (510) 833-9114 Brtwd S119
Office of Instruction (925) 473-7410 CC3 372
Counseling (925) 473 7486 SS4 433


Automotive Technology (925) 473-6908 CC3 505B
Math Lab (Brtwd) (925) 473-(6)6925 Brtwd Math Lab
Admissions (925) 473-7503 Admissions 
DSPS (925) 473-7472 SS3 321
Drama (925) 473-7801 CC2 211B
Voc Tech (Welding) (925) 473-7742 CC3 518
Counseling/DSPS Brentwood (925) 473-6903 Brtwd 133
Computer Science (925) 473-7791 CO206
Counseling (925) 473-7460 SS4 426
Library (925) 473-7571 L2 206
Buildings & Grounds (925) 473-7376 CC1 132
EOPS/NextUp (925) 473-7492 SS4 414
Information Tech & Services (925) 473-7414 L200 A3
Math (925) 473-7655 MA 125
Physical Science (925) 473-7704 Brtwd 110
K-12 Partnerships/Early College Credit (925) 473-7440 SS3 311
English (925) 473-7857 CC2 286
Student Success Center (925) 473-7488 CO2 200
Student Success (925) 473-7468 CC4 406
Fire Technology (925) 473-7750 CC3 362
K-12 Partnership (925) 473-7317 SS3 311
Math (Brtwd)   Brtwd
Math  (925) 473-7680 MA 140
Buildings & Grounds (925) 473-7383 CC1 139
ESL (925) 473-7882 CC2 211D


Buildings & Grounds (925) 473-7382 CC1 132
Nursing (925) 473-7762 CC3 349
Admin Justice (925) 473-7747 CC2-211A
Admissions (925) 473-7501 SS3 301
Biology (925) 473-7689 SC1 113
Business Services (Accounts Payable) (925) 473-7344 CO4 403
Philosophy (925) 473-7837 MU 713
Bookstore (925) 473-7707 SU 134
Nursing (925) 473-7766 CC3 348
Political Science (925) 473-7843 CC2 217
Buildings & Grounds (Director) (925) 473-7375 CC1 133
Planning & Institutional Effectiveness (925) 473-7309 L2 207
Chemistry  (925) 473-7700 SC2 242

Math Brentwood


(925) 473-(6)6914   

(925) 473-7669

Brtwd 118

MA 140

Police Services (Lieutenant) (925) 473-7328 Police Services Bldg
Foreign Language (925) 473-7887 CC2 211C


Business Services (Accounting) (925) 473-7346 CO4 404


Admissions (925) 473-7499 SS3 301
Veteran's Resource Center (925) 473-7512 SS3 VRC
Math (925) 473-7668 MA 123
Child Development (925) 473-7629 CS2 201


Nursing (925) 473-7820 CC3 348
Computer Science (925) 473-7792 CO2 207
NextUp/EOPS (925) 473-6633 SS4 419
Buildings & Grounds (925) 473-7376 CC1 138
Information Tech & Services (925) 473-7364 L2 A2
Admissions (925) 473-7498 SS3 301


Math                                        (925) 473-7657 MA 120
English (925) 473-(6)6928) Brtwd 111
Admissions (925) 473-7497 SS3 301
Office of Instruction (925) 473-7319 SS4 446
Bookstore (925) 473-7539 SU 134
Counseling/DSPS  (925) 473-7474 SS3 327
Athletics (925) 473-7608 KAC 119
Outreach (925) 473-7510 SS3 314
Financial Aid (925) 473-7514 SS3 309
English/Puente (925) 473-7023 CC2 289
Biology (925) 473-7693 SC1 128
Social Science (Economics) (925) 473-7842 CC2 215
Child Development  (925) 473-7640 CSC  Lobby, Front Desk
English (925) 473-7866 CC2 286


Counseling/Athletics (925) 473-7453 SS4 431
Biology (925) 473-7708 SC1 118
Math (925) 473-7649 MA 140
EOPS/CARE/NextUp (925) 473-7420 SS4 414
Custodial (925) 473-7393 B&G Bldg.
Nursing (925) 473-7763 CC3 352
Student Services (925) 473-7421 SS4 407
English (925) 473-7727 CC2 259
Information Tech & Services (925) 473-7365 L2 A6
Biology (925) 473-7779 SC1 115
CalWORKS (925) 473-7482 SS4 414
Athletics (925) 473-7616 KAC 136
English (925) 473-7869 CC2 280
Central Services (925) 473-7351 CC1 119
Journalism (925) 473-7827 CC3 306
Business Services (925) 473-7502 SS3 301
Fire Technology/EMS (925) 473-7751 CC3 363
Physical Sciences (925) 473-7701 SC2-218
Nursing (925) 473-7756 CC3 343
Voc Tech (Welding) (925) 473-7740 CC3 518
Center for Academic Support (925) 473-7591 CO 303
English (925) 473-7867 CC2 238
Business Services (925) 473-7363 CO4 401
Business Services (925) 473-7341 CO4 408
Child Development (925) 473-7686 CSC 102
Physical Science (925) 473-7711 SC2 216
Nursing (925) 473-7761 CC3 345
Equity & Inclusion (925) 473-7321  
Counseling (925) 473-7456 SS4 425
Custodial (925) 473-7393 B&G Bldg.
EOPS/CARE (925) 473-7427 SS4 414
Voc Tech (925) 473-7741 CC3 508
EOPS (925) 473-7485 SS4 414
Brentwood Center & Distance Education  (925) 392-9271 ext. 69271 Brtwd 123


Art, Humanities & Philosophy (925) 473-7851 CC3 312
Music (925) 473-7805 MU3 712
Business Services/Human Resources (925) 473-7345 CO4 404
Business Services (925) 473-7343 CO4 402
English (925) 392-9232 Brtwd
Office of Equity & Inclusion (925) 473-7313 SU 113
Biology (925) 473-6414 SC1 121


Police Services (925) 473-7880 Police Services Bldg
Campus Facilities (925) 473-7360 CC1 143
English (925) 473-7860 CC2 288
Financial Aid/Scholarship (925) 473-7518 SS3 309
Police Services (925) 473-7332 Police Services Bldg
Student Success Center (925) 473-6406 CO2 200
Child Development  (925) 473-7630 CS1 105


Counseling   SS4 432
Behavioral Science (Anthropology) (925) 473-7850 MA 136
DSPS (925) 473-7048 SS3 321  
Athletics/Volleyball (925) 473-7610 KAC 117
Transfer Services (925) 473-7446 SS4 439
English (925) 392-9085 Brtwd 107
ETEC (925) 473-7729 CC2 235
Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (925) 473-7309 L207
Transfer & Career Services (925) 473-7428 SS4 440
Math (925) 473-(6)6913 Brtwd 117
Counseling (925) 473-7464 SS4 421
Athletics (925) 473-7615 KAC 131
Outreach  (925) 473-7432 SS3 320
Information Tech & Services (925) 473-7467 L200-AO


ETEC (925) 473-7862 CC3 MU 708
Receiving (925) 473-7358 CC1 140


Kinesiology (925) 473-7614 SC1 121
President (925) 473-7301 SS4 404
Counseling Brentwood (925) 473-(6)6907 Brtwd A6
Math (925) 473-7603 MA 122
Information Tech & Services (925) 473-7366 L2 A1
Art/Drama/Journalism (925) 473-7822 CC3 334
Counseling (925) 473-7451 SS4 427
DSPS (925) 473-7470 SS3 325
Office Of Instruction (925) 473-7424 CC3 371
Biology (925) 473-7692 SC1 117
Foundation Office (925) 473-7315 SS3 302
Student Success Center (925) 473-7417 CO2 200
Student Retention (925) 473-7426 SS4 417
Counseling (925) 473-7463 SS4 431A
Math (925) 473-7658 MA 133
Admissions (925) 473-7508 Brtwd Admissions


Honors/Math/Philosophy (925) 473-7601 Honors
Bookstore (925) 473-7541 SU 139 
Art (925) 473-7826 CC3 313
Custodial (925) 473-7391 CC1 116
Child Development/Foster Care (925) 473-7636 CS1 113
Graphic Arts (925) 473-7872 CC3 311
Puente   Pittsburg
Child Development  (925) 473-7633 CSC112
Office of Instruction (925) 473-7409 SS4 448
Biology (925) 473-7687 SC1 120
Music (925) 473-7816 MU3 706
Athletics/Football (925) 473-7611 KAC 116
Ethnic Studies & Social Justice Studies (925) 473-7874 CC2 234
Admissions (925) 473-7493 SS3 303
EOPS (925) 473-7486 SS4 433
Physical Science (925) 473-7698 SC1 121
Vice President of Instruction (925) 473-7401 SS4 403
Math (925) 473-7652 MA 129
Buildings & Grounds (925) 473-7376 CC1 143
Art (925) 473-7821 CC3 317
Admissions Brentwood (925) 473-7496 Brtwd
Outreach (925) 473-7439 SS3 320 
Journalism  (925) 473-(6)6929 Brtwd 114
English (925) 473-7864 CC2 288
Umoja Scholars (925) 473-7602 MA 109
Planning & Institutional Effectiveness (925) 473-7310  L2 202
Athletics (925) 473-7755 KAC  125
Math Brentwood (925) 473-(6)6912 Brtwd 116
Information Tech & Services (925) 473-7422 L200 A4
Office of Instruction (925) 473-7408 SS4 445
Athletics/Soccer  (925) 473-7612 KAC 124


Business Services (925) 473-7342 CO4 417
Custodial (925) 473-7393 B&G Bldg.
DSPS (925) 473-7848 SS3 328
Automotive (925) 473-7736 CC3 513
English (925) 473-7865 CC2 284
Office Of Instruction (925) 473-7404 SS4 444
Custodial (925) 473-7393 B&G Bldg.
Ethnic Studies (925) 473-7816 CC2 237
Transfer & Career Services (925) 473-7447 SS4 436
Bookstore (925) 473-7542 SU 134


Business Services/Human Resources (925) 473-7348 CO4 403


Marketing & Media Design  (925) 473-7324 CO4 418
Office of Instruction (925) 473-7407 SS4 443
Kinesiology (925) 473-7605 KAC 122
Math (925) 473-7659 MA 135


Community Education (925) 473-7397 CC3 371
Custodial (925) 473-7393 B&G Bldg.
English (925) 473-7836 CC2 294
Counseling/Umoja Scholars (925) 473-7457 SS4 434
Child Development (925) 473-7634 CSC119
Nursing (925) 473-7764 CC3 352
Counseling (925) 473-7454 SS4 424
Library (925) 473-7573 L2 205
Counseling (925) 473-7466 SS4 423
Counseling (925) 473-7452 SS4 429
Buildings & Grounds (925) 473-7376 CC1 138
Business (925) 473-7781 CC2 227
Honors (925) 473-7599 Honors
Travel VM (925) 473-7798  
Math (Brentwood)   Brtwd 108
 Office of Instruction  (925) 473-7806  SS4 402
Library (925) 473-7569 BRT-407
Counseling (925) 473-7465 SS4 423



Financial Aid (925) 473-6401 SS3 309


English (925) 473-7883 CC2 295