
Welcome to Puente at LMC!

What is Puente?

Puente is a national award-winning program that for more than 30 years has improved the college-going rate of tens of thousands of California's educationally underrepresented students. Its mission is to increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn college degrees, and return to the community as mentors and leaders to future generations. The program is interdisciplinary in approach, with writing, counseling, and mentoring components.

Started in 1981 at Chabot Community College in Hayward, California, the program has since expanded to 4 middle schools, 38 high schools, and 65 community colleges throughout the state. Here at LMC, Puente is the oldest learning community on campus! Your Puente staff attend various trainings throughout each year to bring you a program of rigorous instruction, focused academic counseling, and mentoring by former students and members of the community. Puente is open to all interested students each year.

Puente Goals:

  • Increase the number of underrepresented students who transfer to four-year colleges and universities
  • Enable underrepresented students to earn college degrees and return to the community as mentors and leaders
  • Embrace a variety of social and cultural learning-styles to develop an environment that focuses on underrepresented student learning
  • Improve college success and accessibility

Find out how to join!


 Puente grad