Transfer Services

"Transfer students will succeed not despite being transfer students but because they are transfer students." ~ Tara Yosso

Welcome to LMC Transfer Services



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LMC Transfer Services 

Student Services Center - Upper Floor     


Fall Office Hours

                      Monday - Thursday                     

9am - 5pm       


9am - 1pm



Are you a first year student planning to transfer?

Book an appointment with counseling to create your Education Plan:

Book Counseling Appointment

Attend (or watch) a transfer basics workshops to learn more about the transfer process!


Visit our Transfer Basics page:


Are you a student preparing to transfer?

Book an appointment with counseling to ensure you are ready to transfer: 


Book Counseling Appointment

Attend (or watch) a  preparing to transfer workshop to receive application support and more!


Visit our Apply to Transfer page:


Enroll in Transfer on the Go to receive our weekly newsletter:




Need additional transfer support?

Visit our front desk on the second floor of the Student Services building to connect with one of our knowledgeable student ambassadors!

Program Coordinator: Sandra Parsons 

Student Services Center - Room 439